We will miss her and her sweet, gentle little spirit... we are not planning on getting another dairy cow at this point, but maybe down the road. Bye, sweet girl. You were a great family cow.
Besides that, we've been fine up here on the "hill." The chickens are starting to lay again, and everywhere this time- behind the hay ring, on Eric's tool chest in the wood shed, on the floor of the other shed. It's an adventure searching for them and figuring out if they're still any good! We are down to 17 chickens now. Poor Rabbit lost all of his chicks he bought last spring- mostly predators. And the Buff's we have left are still from the 1st batch we got 6 years ago!
The boys and I came to a big decision in that we are not going to do Classical Conversations next fall for our homeschooling. We are going to try My Father's World, and work on it together- all 3 of us, which will be great. They're excited to try something new, although I wouldn't be surprised if E wants to go back to CC either for the spring semester, or the following fall. He really likes it- the curriculum and seeing his friends on Fridays. But they will still see friends lots- whether at church, field trips or get-togethers.
Eric's contractor business is really keeping him hopping, thank the good Lord. We've been very blessed with business!
That's all for now- love to you all, and hopefully we'll see you soon! Blessings!