Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Homeschooling Convention...

Okay, so the next step in our journey is to get prepared for homeschooling.  No small feat, let me tell you.  Eric and I attended the homeschooling convention (HEAV) here in Richmond this past weekend.... wow! It is a HUGE event, with people from all over attending.  It is so well organized and so full of nice people (some a little intense, ask Eric!) and the Richmond Convention Center is REALLY nice!  We attended the used curriculum fair, the workshops, and of course, the main event, the vendor booths.  The people attending were all so varied, but of like-mind, if you know what I mean.  Lots of Mennonites, lots of kids, lots of people with lots of kids, etc.. (seriously, what's up with all the denim skirts??!!)  The workshops were very informative and Eric and I had to split up to hear these because there were so many to chose from!  We learned alot... and I learned that, had I not researched ALOT and had some idea of what curriculum we are interested in before we went, I would have been in the middle of the vendors, on the floor, crying and pulling my hair out because there are soooooo many choices, and it is so overwhelming!  But we ended up getting everything we need, and feel really good about it... not to say we may end up changing things up if or when they don't work for the boys, but for now, we're good!  And, what's promising, is that as soon as the boys got back from the mountains (Bo and D were VERY good to take them for the weekend), they were so excited about their material, they immediately wanted to check it out and do timed math sheets!  What's up with that?!  I know, I know... the novelty will surely wear off... but it's a good start, don't you think?

P.S.  For those interested, we ended up with no packaged curriculum, but an eclectic mix... i.e. Singapore Math, TOP's science, The Yellow Book for language arts, Doorpost's Plants All Grown (?) bible, etc...

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