Thursday, January 5, 2012

Follow up...

Okay, we tried... but we just couldn't bring ourselves to eat Helmut!  Rabbit wouldn't even try, E took one bite, I had a couple of nuggets, as did Eric, but when Eric looked at the leg and thigh on his plate, he just couldn't do it.  I think it's because it was so fresh in our minds (it had just happened that morning), and his death wasn't exactly planned... I think if we had processed him earlier and had frozen him, it would have felt more like pulling regular chicken out of the freezer and we would have been okay!  Oh well, so much for being pioneer people...we aren't that hardy, apparently!

Now the girls have been laying up a storm, which is really exciting.  And they seem to be getting along fine without Helmut jumping on them with his happy feet every few minutes!  They even seem to be enjoying the snow we recently had.  And Eric and I have decided on getting 3 feeder pigs this spring, so we're excited to try that little adventure.. we'll keep everyone informed!

1 comment:

The Cat said...

This is the funniest thing i've read in a while. I could just picture all this happening! Sorry about the bird but it's a great story. I agree though I think I would need to stick the processed birds in the freezer for a while before I ate them just to get the memory out of my head. I hope to do some meat birds too next fall.