Monday, March 26, 2012

I haven't blogged in so long.. we've been trying to get through testing for the boys....

and things have been busy.  Since my last post regarding tubing, let's just say the weather has changed slightly... the following are recent pics of the boys....

Testing the waters....
 Oh My Gosh....What am I thinking?!
 AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! It's cold!!!!

We Did It!... Newest members of the Polar Bear Club - March 19, 2012!

The air temp. was actually around 67, so it wasn't THAT bad!  But they had fun in the pond..... So that's how they chilled out (no pun intended!) after testing week!  I think they did really well, but we won't find out for sure until the end of May, I think (I hate waiting for ANYthing, much less something like this!)  We also have a new friend in the pond....

And the beautiful red-winged black birds with their pretty song are back...

Eric made his first omelet ever..... and it was even more special because the eggs were from our girls.  He was very proud, so here it is, in all its glory....

It WAS very tasty!

The ladies are all doing well, and we get an average of 18 eggs a day, with some days being 17 and others being 23.  So they are doing great.  We recently painted their coop and got them out on the newly grown grass, out of the muddy garden:

And we got our first double-yolker... can you guess which one?!:

Oops... I broke the yolk....

Anyway, I saved the best news for last.......  drum roll please.........  We turned in our plans last Tuesday and got them back APPROVED today.  We are official, with our permit to build and everything!  Eric left the courthouse with permit in hand, rented the digger, and is now on the site digging footers....... Just kidding!  But we ARE all ready and excited to begin....

Please say prayers for this next leg of our homesteading journey... for cooperative weather, inspections, and lots of patience!!!

I have to go make our celebratory meal now, so if you'll excuse me, I'll see ya'll  later!

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